Academic Activities

Working Experience

12/2024 - 2/2025
Visiting Scholar
Affiliation: Department of Physics Education, The State University of Jakarta, Indonesia
Focus on exploring the acceptance and integration of AI tools in science education.
Work on the acceptance and implementation of AI tools in higher education in Jakarta, in close collaboration with Assoc. Prof. Fauzi Bakri

10/2024 - 11/2024
Visiting Scholar
Affiliation: Department of Instructional Technology, University of Twente, Netherland
Exploring the implementation of GenAI in education in the Netherland
Work on the acceptance and implementation of AI tools in education, in close collaboration with dr. Hannie Gijlers. 

8/2023 - Present
Full-time PhD Student
Affiliation: Graduate Institute of Science Education, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
Exploring the implementation of GenAI in education. 

8/2022 - 07/2023
Graduate Research Assistants
Affiliation: Science Education Center, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
• Understanding Bayesian Inference   

10/2021 - 07/2022
Graduate Research Assistants
Sponsored by Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Affiliation: Mathematics and Science Education, National Chiayi University, Taiwan
Organized research project focusing on integrating Virtual Reality in the classroom and understanding its implementation process in education.
Conducted research about improving preservice teachers' acceptance of Virtual Reality in the classroom.
Measured brain wave activity during Virtual Reality learning and contributed to scientific literature. 

08/2020 - 08/2021
Graduate Research Assistants
Sponsored by Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Affiliation: Maker Laboratory, National Chiayi University, Taiwan
Organized research project focusing on integrating educational technology in the classroom.
Analyzed and developed an instructional design to integrate augmented reality into science learning.
Produced physics simulation and instructional design on Bravais lattice concept using spatial advantage of augmented reality.

03/2019 - 12/2020
Junior Researcher
Sponsored by State University of Jakarta, Indonesia
Affiliation: State University of Jakarta, Indonesia
Conducted research focusing on integrating Granular Particle behavior study into the physics understanding.
Analyzed several issues regarding computational thinking skills and related issues with the benefit of computer science in physics and science learning.
Designed the learning process and developed instructional design to integrate computational thinking skills into physics courses.
• Created physics simulations for particle behavior, for example, fluid particles in the breakwater and granular behavior in free-falling conditions.

06/2018 - 02/2019
Physics Teacher
Senior High School of 5 Jakarta, Indonesia
• Marked student work and performance and implemented new teaching methods in the area of teaching Physics, including General Physics, Physics-Astronomy, Theoretical Physics, and Classical Mechanics.
Developed a scientific inquiry-based lesson plan that consisted of 8 chapters for one semester.
Brought efficient technology to the school environment, like Interactive Respond System and Multimedia-based Assessment

09/2016 - 06/2018
Science Teacher
Karamel Education [Cram School], Jakarta, Indonesia
Identified students with special requirements and created individualized plans in the area of teaching science education, including natural science, physics, chemistry, biology, and mathematics.
Helped 30+ students to maintain their motivation in learning and engage them in pursuing a career in the STEM field.    

09/2017 - 11/01/2018
Electronical Laboratory Assistant
Jakarta State University, Indonesia [See]
• Assisted technologists and scientists during lab tests and research.
Helped students document the findings, as well as maintain the effectiveness of laboratory equipment.
Accommodated 70+ students in the laboratory to perform lab tests and research on electronic physics for six months.

09/2017 - 11/01/2018
Physics R&D Laboratory Assistant
Jakarta State University, Indonesia
Assisted students in focusing on prototyping in-house innovation in physics education, including science aids and digital aids.
Accommodated 3-5 students per week to design teaching tools.
Cooperated with Annual Science Festival at University and exhibited attractive science tools to engage students in science.     

Conference Activities [See]



2015 - 2019
Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) in Physics Education [See]
Cum Lauded [GPA: 3.51 (on a 4.00 Scale)]
State University of Jakarta, Indonesia
Thesis Title: Development of Student Worksheet with Augmented Reality to Train Higher-order Thinking Skills in Physics Material for Twelve-grade Students [See]
Advisor: Prof. (Asst.) Fauzi Bakri, M.Si. & Prof. (Asst.) Dewi Muliyati, M.Sc.

2020 - 2022
Master of Education (M.Ed.) in Teaching
Summa Cum Lauded [GPA: 4.00 (on a 4.00 Scale)]
National Chiayi University, Taiwan
Thesis Title: Exploring Weightlessness Concepts in Science Learning with Virtual Reality: An Inter-related Study of Acceptance Model, Implementation, and Brain Wave Activity [See] [See]
Advisor: Prof. Chih-Hung Lin, Ph.D.

2022 - 2023
Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Science Education
National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
Thesis Title: Implementing Bayes' Theorem to Analyze Interactive Web-Based Scientific Inquiry Assessments: Inquiring Time-Temperature Graph on Atmospheric Climate Change Issue [See] [See]
Advisor: Prof. Chun-Yen Chang, Ph.D.

2023 - Currently
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Science Education
National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
Advisor: Prof. Chun-Yen Chang, Ph.D. & Prof. (Assoc.) Miao-Hsuan Yen


__, NTNU master’s student, 2023 – 2024