Academic Activities
Working Experience
12/2024 - 2/2025
Visiting Scholar
Affiliation: Department of Physics Education, The State University of Jakarta, Indonesia
• Focus on exploring the acceptance and integration of AI tools in science education.
• Work on the acceptance and implementation of AI tools in higher education in Jakarta, in close collaboration with Assoc. Prof. Fauzi Bakri.
10/2024 - 11/2024
Visiting Scholar
Affiliation: Department of Instructional Technology, University of Twente, Netherland
• Exploring the implementation of GenAI in education in the Netherland
• Work on the acceptance and implementation of AI tools in education, in close collaboration with dr. Hannie Gijlers.
8/2023 - Present
Full-time PhD Student
Affiliation: Graduate Institute of Science Education, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
• Exploring the implementation of GenAI in education.
8/2022 - 07/2023
Graduate Research Assistants
Affiliation: Science Education Center, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
• Understanding Bayesian Inference
10/2021 - 07/2022
Graduate Research Assistants
Sponsored by Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Affiliation: Mathematics and Science Education, National Chiayi University, Taiwan
• Organized research project focusing on integrating Virtual Reality in the classroom and understanding its implementation process in education.
• Conducted research about improving preservice teachers' acceptance of Virtual Reality in the classroom.
• Measured brain wave activity during Virtual Reality learning and contributed to scientific literature.
08/2020 - 08/2021
Graduate Research Assistants
Sponsored by Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Affiliation: Maker Laboratory, National Chiayi University, Taiwan
• Organized research project focusing on integrating educational technology in the classroom.
• Analyzed and developed an instructional design to integrate augmented reality into science learning.
• Produced physics simulation and instructional design on Bravais lattice concept using spatial advantage of augmented reality.
03/2019 - 12/2020
Junior Researcher
Sponsored by State University of Jakarta, Indonesia
Affiliation: State University of Jakarta, Indonesia
• Conducted research focusing on integrating Granular Particle behavior study into the physics understanding.
• Analyzed several issues regarding computational thinking skills and related issues with the benefit of computer science in physics and science learning.
• Designed the learning process and developed instructional design to integrate computational thinking skills into physics courses.
• Created physics simulations for particle behavior, for example, fluid particles in the breakwater and granular behavior in free-falling conditions.
06/2018 - 02/2019
Physics Teacher
Senior High School of 5 Jakarta, Indonesia
• Marked student work and performance and implemented new teaching methods in the area of teaching Physics, including General Physics, Physics-Astronomy, Theoretical Physics, and Classical Mechanics.
• Developed a scientific inquiry-based lesson plan that consisted of 8 chapters for one semester.
• Brought efficient technology to the school environment, like Interactive Respond System and Multimedia-based Assessment
09/2016 - 06/2018
Science Teacher
Karamel Education [Cram School], Jakarta, Indonesia
• Identified students with special requirements and created individualized plans in the area of teaching science education, including natural science, physics, chemistry, biology, and mathematics.
• Helped 30+ students to maintain their motivation in learning and engage them in pursuing a career in the STEM field.
09/2017 - 11/01/2018
Electronical Laboratory Assistant
Jakarta State University, Indonesia [See]
• Assisted technologists and scientists during lab tests and research.
• Helped students document the findings, as well as maintain the effectiveness of laboratory equipment.
• Accommodated 70+ students in the laboratory to perform lab tests and research on electronic physics for six months.
09/2017 - 11/01/2018
Physics R&D Laboratory Assistant
Jakarta State University, Indonesia
• Assisted students in focusing on prototyping in-house innovation in physics education, including science aids and digital aids.
• Accommodated 3-5 students per week to design teaching tools.
• Cooperated with Annual Science Festival at University and exhibited attractive science tools to engage students in science.
Conference Activities [See]
The presenter. HU-NTNU-KU-SNU Joint Symposium 2023. Hokkaido University. November 15-19, 2023.
The presenter. International Science Education Symposium. State University of Malang & National Taiwan Normal University. March 17, 2023. [See]
The Keynote presenter. Conference of Seminar National Matematika dan Sains. Wiralodya University, Indonesia. November 26, 2022. [See]
The presenter. The International Conference on Teaching Profession Development. National Chiayi University Taiwan. May 7, 2022. [See]
The presenter. PhD Student Forum: Research Capacity Building and Higher Education Research. National Chengchi University, Taiwan. May 6, 2022. [See]
The presenter. Academic Seminar on Educational Innovation and Practice under Social Changes. National Chiayi University, Taiwan. October 21, 2021. [See]
The presenter. The 10th Physics National Seminar. Jakarta State University, Indonesia. June 19, 2021. [See]
Coordinator of Publishing Officer. International Conference of Indonesia Scholar Scientific Summit Taiwan. PPI Taiwan. June 21, 2021. [See]
The presenter. The 4th International Conference on Material Engineering Research. Incheon National University, Incheon, South Korea. May 14, 2021. [See]
Program Committee (Publishing Officer) in 10th Physics National Seminar. Jakarta. June 20, 2020. [See]
The presenter in The 9th Physics National Seminar. Jakarta. June 20, 2020.
The presenter in The 5th Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference. Bandung. April 20, 2020. [See]
The presenter in The 8th Physics National Seminar. Jakarta. June 29, 2019. [See]
The presenter in The 4th Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference. Bali, Indonesia. April 24, 2019. [See]
The presenter in Seminar Nasional Pendidikan KALUNI. Indraprasta University, Jakarta, Indonesia. January 26, 2019. [See]
The presenter in ASEAN Youth Conference. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. September 23, 2018. [See]
The presenter in International Conference on Biodiversity. Bogor, Indonesia. September 30, 2018. [See]
Program Committee in Lokakarya Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa, 2017. (Kementrian Riset, Teknologi, dan Perguruan Tinggi Universitas Negeri Jakarta). [See]
Journal Activities
Indonesian Scholar Scientific Summit Taiwan Proceeding 2021 [1 Volume], Risenologi [3 Issues]
Associate Editor:
Formatif Journal, Risenologi
Advisory Board:
Journal of Educational Technology
Journal Refereeing -- Ad Hoc Reviewer:
International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, Taylor & Francis [1], Innovation in Education and Teaching International, Taylor & Francis [2], Education and Information Technologies, Springer [4], International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education [1], Journal of Research & Development of Physics Education [5], Jurnal Pembelajaran dan Biologi Nukleus [2], Journal of Natural Science and Integration [2]
Co-Reviewer: Quality & Quantity, Springer [1], Sustainability, MDPI [3], Library High Tech, Emerald [2], Innovation in Education and Teaching International, Taylor & Francis [2], Journal of Internet Technology [1], Transaction in Education, IEEE [1]
Association of Science Education in Taiwan | 2024
Indonesian Science Educators Association | 2023 – Recently
ESERA: European Science Education Research Association | per year 2022
STEM Learning Organization | (2021 – Recent)
The Physical Society of Taiwan | ID: S210531001 (2021 – 2022)
National Nuclear Young Community [Komunitas Muda Nuklir Nasional] (2017 – 2018)
2015 - 2019
Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) in Physics Education [See]
Cum Lauded [GPA: 3.51 (on a 4.00 Scale)]
State University of Jakarta, Indonesia
Thesis Title: Development of Student Worksheet with Augmented Reality to Train Higher-order Thinking Skills in Physics Material for Twelve-grade Students [See]
Advisor: Prof. (Asst.) Fauzi Bakri, M.Si. & Prof. (Asst.) Dewi Muliyati, M.Sc.
2020 - 2022
Master of Education (M.Ed.) in Teaching
Summa Cum Lauded [GPA: 4.00 (on a 4.00 Scale)]
National Chiayi University, Taiwan
Thesis Title: Exploring Weightlessness Concepts in Science Learning with Virtual Reality: An Inter-related Study of Acceptance Model, Implementation, and Brain Wave Activity [See] [See]
Advisor: Prof. Chih-Hung Lin, Ph.D.
2022 - 2023
Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Science Education
National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
Thesis Title: Implementing Bayes' Theorem to Analyze Interactive Web-Based Scientific Inquiry Assessments: Inquiring Time-Temperature Graph on Atmospheric Climate Change Issue [See] [See]
Advisor: Prof. Chun-Yen Chang, Ph.D.
2023 - Currently
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Science Education
National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
Advisor: Prof. Chun-Yen Chang, Ph.D. & Prof. (Assoc.) Miao-Hsuan Yen
__, NTNU master’s student, 2023 – 2024